
Action Netball

Action Indoor Sports Stadiums are the most modern and professionally administered indoor sports venues of their type in New Zealand.

Action Indoor Netball is fast, fun, easy to learn, and based on the traditional outdoor sport. The rules have been modified to allow for the fact that the game is being played not only indoors, but also within fully tensioned nets that add to the excitement of each game.

We hope you decide to accept the challenge and enter your team, and we look forward to welcoming you to the ACTION!


All of our competitions are run on a pay as you play basis, with each team simply having to pay their team’s match fee prior to the start of each scheduled game. There is a $20 Registration fee to be paid when registering a new team.


To enable us to run a smooth and ‘Action Pak’d’ competition, we would really appreciate that you play all games you are scheduled for.  However, in the event that you do need to cancel, 48 hours’ notice is required otherwise your game fees will still be payable prior to taking the court the following week.

All defaults are -4 points and the other team will receive 8 points for the win including all skins.

Please note, we do have a player ‘fill in’s’ page on Facebook, with people keen to fill in for extra games.  You are welcome to post onto the Facebook page should you need a fill in or if you are looking to join a team. We hope this will reduce the need for cancellations should you be short of players. 

Facebook : Action Pakuranga Indoor Netball Fill ins

Competitions :

Indoor Netball 6s

Action Indoor Netball 6s is fast, fun, easy to learn, and based on the traditional outdoor sport. The rules have been modified to allow for the fact that the game is played with six players per team on court, is played indoors and within fully tensioned nets that add to the excitement of each game.

There are three playing positions – Attack, Centre and Defence where a goal within the goal circle is one point and a goal out-side of the goal circle is two points.

Our competitions run all year round, and below is a schedule of the timings in which each of our competitions are played. Please note that players / teams are welcome to join at any stage throughout a season.

  • Spring League – September – December
  • Summer League – January to March
  • Autumn League – April to June
  • Winter League – July to September

Mondays, Tuesdays and Mixed on Wednesdays


Playings Days

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday


Adult - $72.00 per team per game
Youth - $48.00 per team per game


Playings Days

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday


Adult - $72.00 per team per game
Youth - $48.00 per team per game

Are You Ready to get into the Action?

We have new seasons starting regularly throughout the year, and grades for teams of all skill and experience levels. What are you waiting for? Get into the Action now!